Our History

(Following the completion of Dilovası Steel Service Center, which is in the investment phase, in 2023, the capacity, which has already been increased by 4 times, is aimed to be doubled again.)
Barış Göktürk was elected as the Council Member of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO) Iron and Steel Committee.
2020 - 2022
A remarkable growth was achieved in the Company's activities by increasing capacity along with new investments. RISING increased its sales revenues more than 3 times in foreign currency and more than 12 times in TL in a short time.
The Company's shares were offered to the public through Capital Increase within Borsa Istanbul and an initial public offering rate of 29.6% was reached.
Izmir Branch and mini Steel Service Center started operating in Atatürk OIZ in Izmir province.
Dudullu Branch started operating in Istanbul province, Dudullu OIZ.
2014 - 2020
New distributorship and exclusive representation agreements were signed with some domestic/foreign steel suppliers at home and abroad.
The company purchased 'Ramateks Metal', which was its strongest rival at the time, a subsidiary of Mechel company, which had a Russian partnership and whose shares were traded on the New York Stock Exchange, and incorporated it into RISING.
For the first time, RISING started to register its own patented products within the scope of its R&D and P&D activities.
The Specialized Steel Service Center, built on an area of 10,000 m2 in Esenyurt, Istanbul, started its operations. Later, the Company headquarters was moved here.
2007 - 2009
By acquiring Turkish Distributorships and Exclusive Representatives of various foreign steel producers; Collaborations with many global suppliers have been developed.
2005 - 2009
Yüksel Göktürk was elected Chairman of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO) Iron and Steel Committee and Member of the Assembly for 2 consecutive terms.
With Barış Göktürk's involvement in the management of the Company, a corporate organization consisting of professionals was established and an innovative business model that carries out R&D activities, imports/exports and has an industrialist identity was established.
The first Steel Service Center came into operation in Çakmaklı, Kıraç Region.
In order to support the growing commercial activity, additional warehouses and combined shops were purchased and put into operation within the Demirciler Buildings
The company's title became 'Rising Steel'.
The company headquarters moved from Thursday Market to Istanbul/Zeytinburnu and specialized in Specialized Steel Long Products.
'Rising Trade', which will be named 'Rising Steel' in the following years, was established in Thursday Market.
1968 - 1976
Göktürk family, which is the market leader in our country in the field of Flat Steel; In 1976, he specialized in different fields under 5 different companies. Under the leadership of Yüksel Göktürk, the Specialty Steel sector was entered.
Göktürk Family entered the steel trade at the Thursday Market.